About Me

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I am a bohemian nomad, someone who acts and lives free of regard for conventional rules and practices, but also one who moves according to the seasons. After traveling to over 100 countries and all 7 continents over the past 12 years I feel that I truly subscribe to the words of Mary Poxon, who said. "I sought to see the amazing as normal and the daily as unique, and in that swirling paradox I found the joy of travel." I will be forever in pursuit of new sights and adventures and hope that maybe I can convince a few more to give budget travel a chance. Budget travel gives those with little money an opportunity to travel and those with money an opportunity to travel longer.

Friday, October 5, 2007


September 17, 2006

I took the train from Venice 10 hours earlier than anticipated to Munich for Oktoberfest. I had tried to stop off and visit Neuschwenstein Castle but missed the stop. Room in Munich was not ready so got back on train and rode to Stuttgart to sleep on the train, then turned around and came back to Munich to check in. I stayed at the Jaegermeister Hostel which was only a few blocks from the Olde Town Center and the Fairgrounds where the beer gardens were located. The Glockenspiel Clock is one of the highlights of Olde Town . After World War II, most of Munich was destroyed. The people were given the choice of rebuilding as it was or rebuilding in a newer style. They chose as it was before.

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